ghost ship - trying this free 3D software called Vue, very user friendly and renders fast
need more speed 01 - got the rx-8 model from google warehouse, the rest was modelled in sketchup and rendered with podium, added the lens flare and blur in ps
need more speed 02 - from different angle
indigo render test 01 - a test render from the tutorial model made by whaat (from indigo forum) this tiny plugin looks promising, support bumps, refraction, etc but it took forever to get a decent render with less noise. this one took about 5 hrs (fiuuh...) on my ace 5560 laptop
a glass of water - a render test using indigo, great water and glass refraction effect :) this one took about an hour
spoiled jar - another render test using indigo, exploring the DOF, glass and water material
landmark ui - design proposal for campus entrance landmark
makara bundaran psikologi - new makara design proposal for the psychology roundabout
makara stadion - makara bunderan psikologi rencananya mau dipindah ke stadion ui
fun stuffs
Andreas Purwa
S.Ars jakarta , Indonesia