Red Water Balloon, 2013. I used a fast shutter speed in TV mode and an ISO of 200. In photoshop I cropped the image and applied a filter and a layer style. I used soft light because it brought out the color of the balloon quite well.
Blue Balloon, 2013. I used a fast shutter speed in TV mode and an ISO of 200. In photoshop I used the adjustment tool: vibrance to bring out the color in the balloon. I also cropped the image to put the balloon into the center.
Light Collage, 2013/ I applied 11 different light drawings to create my collage. I applied various selection tools such as quick select in order to select the portions of the light drawings I wanted. In addition to this i also used the refine tool to refine my selections so they appeared more pleasant to the eye. Finally I used the transform tool to resize and rotate the individual light drawings in order to have the fit into the collage well. I also needed to change the opacity on some images to allow for the images behind them to be seen.
Ball of Light, 2013. I set my camera to fireworks setting (the only setting that would allow me to capture the ball of light). This setting had a shutter speed of 4 seconds and allowed for a lot of light to be captured, thus allowing me to capture the ball of light. In photoshop I used the adjustment tool Hue/Saturation to change the hue and saturation. I altered the hue greatly because I did not want the ball of light to be red but we used a red flashlight, so I changed the hue to make the ball of light blue.
Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is measured in seconds, going from fast shutter speeds of 1/1000 of a second, to slow shutter speeds of 30 seconds. A slow shutter speed requires a tripod otherwise the motion will be too blurry due to human error. When I took the photos of the balloons I needed a fast shutter speed so I used TV mode, and I needed enough light to get in considering the fact that the aperture would only be open for a fraction of a second I needed an
ISO of 200. When making the light drawing I used a slow shutter speed to capture the motion of the light.

Colin Casey
Student Moscow, Russia