Movement, 2013. The photograph represents movement because of the motion of the subject (Ryan Bloomgren). I used the black and white tool and adjusted the value for all the blues. I chose to use black and white because of the way the shadow is cast on the ground.
Emphasis, 2013. This photo represents emphasis because of the way your eyes are drawn to the bottle on the ground. I used the levels tool in this photo to make the grass around the bottle more realistic.
Artist Choice, 2013. I chose the photo for my artist choice because of how far away the school was and how I could only see it from on top of the bleachers. In this photo there is contrast between the colors in the trees, and emphasis on the school. There is also color in the trees and shape in the man-made shape of the school. I increased the exposure of this photo.
Contrast, 2013. This photo represents contrast because of the contrast in colors between the shirts of the people. I increased the vibrance and saturation of the photo in order to further show the contrast in color.
Artist Choice, 2013. I chose this photo because I like how the road travels off into the distance in the background. This photo represents balance because the picture is divided into two halves by the road, it also represents contrast because of the contrast in colors between the trees and the road, and the contrast in colors between the individual trees (red/green). This photo represents line because of the curved lines on the road, and shape because of the man-made shape of the road. I increased the hue and saturation of this photo.
Balance, 2013. This photo represents balance because the plant divides the photo into two even halves. I decreased the brightness but increased the contrast in this photo.
Unity, 2013. This photo represents unity because of the way the sky fills all the spaces between the clouds and is all part of one whole thing. I increased the brightness by 75 and the contrast by 25 becuause the picture was too dark.
Pattern, 2013. This photo represents pattern because of the way the underside of the bleachers is repeated as the bleachers descend. I used both brightness and contrast to this image.
Principles of Design


Colin Casey
Student Moscow, Russia