Panorama Black and White, 2013. This is a barren field with a road that ends in the middle of nowhere nearby the high school. I used the black and white tool on the infrared setting and then applied the burn tool to the sky and the trees. In this landscape the character is going toward the road.
Panaroma Artist Choice, 2013. This is field with trees on one side and no trees on the other. It was taken in an abandoned field. I used the black and white tool, then I used the dodge tool to make the sky lighter. Finally I added a gradient using the colors light blue and purple to make the forest look darker and more scary. This was done to make the level look cooler. In this landscape you are going to the right trying to escape the trees.
Reward Points Black and White, 2013. This power up allows the player to rewrite part of the level to make it easier or more fun. I used the black and white tool and the burn and dodge tools on this image.
Reward Points Artist Choice, 2013. This power up phone allows the player to call in for back-up so they can beat the level easier. I used the black and white tool on the infrared setting and the burn and dodge tools on this image.
Game Art

Depth of field is the distance between the closest and farthest objects that are in focus. For our purposes we made it so one object was in focus and another object in the same shot was out of focus. In a depth of field shot there can be multiple items in focus (sharp and clean looking) and several out of focus that could be too close to or too far from the lens.

Colin Casey
Student Moscow, Russia