This is a caricature self-portrait.
This is Jelly Man Uh-Oh. He was a character that I created to portray my sense of humor and character design
I wanted to make a poster showing the terrifying power of God as represented in Isaiah 6. This is one of my absolute favorites. The hem of God's robe filled the temple, and you can see Isaiah compared to the size of God's robe. Above you can see the shadow of a seraphim flying and if you know the passage he is giving a form of a Sanctus to the LORD.
This is my attempt at bringing two of my favorite comic book characters together. I really wanted to create Deadpool without ruining the famous persona he brings.
This is one of my favorites. The project was to take a designer's style and apply it to an event in history. This is using Chipp Kidd's design for Making the Watchmen book cover, and applied to when they discovered that the Piltdown Man was not the missing link, but rather a fabricated hoax.
This is a poster for an event I was in charge of during school.
A satire on our American culture with technology and divinity
A typography project. This was my first official project in school. I made this in honor of Peter Gabriel's Digging in the Dirt.
Blood of Christ Background
Cody Ripperger
Creative Arts Hot Springs, AR