Context Map - Bottom left shows Johnson's Bayou in comparison to East Mud Lake Gas Field.

Financial Gain & Pipeline Easement Edge Section - This image shows the financial aspects of the pipeline companies as well as section of the pipeline construction and maintenance edges.

Montage 1 - This montage shows my story of how Natural Gas is collected and transported through both my sites and on into distribution centers. All three montages are in order from first montage to the third.

Montage 2 - Middle of my story this is the connection to both of my sites.

Montage 3 - Completes my story at my second site through pipelines at East Mud Lake Gas Field

East Mud Lake Land Loss 1982 - The black represents the water volume on the site in 1982.

East Mud Lake Land Loss 2004

East Mud Lake Land Loss 2005 - Land loss in the East Mud Lake Gas Field

Johnsons Bayou Gas Field Land Loss 1998

Johnsons Bayou Gas Field Land Loss 2004

Johnsons Bayou Land Loss 2007

Infrastructure Model

East Mud Lake Gas Field Model

East Mud Lake Gas Field Elements

East Mud Lake Gas Field Waterways

East Mud Lake Gas Field Easement Edges

East Mud Lake Gas Field Platforms

Johnsons Bayou Gas Field Roadways

Johnsons Bayou Gas Field Waterways

Johnsons Bayou Gas Field Surface

Johnsons Bayou Gas Field Ridges

Johnsons Bayou Gas Field View

Perspective view of the infrastructure









johnson bayou infrastructure

Machine interaction with the land - Model shows what my machine would do if it was on its side traveling in a 360 degree motion. The sticks represent possible levi, or dunes that begin to build up. The chip board in the center represents existing land while the others represent new land build up, new islands.

Machine Interaction

Model Interaction - The levis, or dunes are at different levels representing that its possible that some build up of land will be higher then others.

Model Interaction - The land begins to build up near the center and along the dunes eventually working its way outward.

Machine Interaction - Shows how my machine would build new land as well as making new land by moving to a new site continuing its motion.

Machine Interaction - Over 25 year period my machine will produce 2x more land then it started with.

Oil/Gas Well/ Sucker Rod and Pump - Basic movements and parts of the machine.

Prime Mover - Shows the basic components on how the machine actually move.

Counter Weight and Crank - Counter weights move in a 360 degree motion clockwise.

Horse Head Movement - The Horse Head moves up and down like a see saw.

Polished Rod Movement - Polished Rod moves up and down as the Horse Head moves up and down.

Down Hole Casing Assembly - This sketch shows the actual casing of the hole where the polished rod moves up and down.

Christmas Tree on Gas Well - Shows the basic components of the Christmas tree which regulates the oil and gas pressure.

Down Hole Pump - Sketch shows how the pump at the bottom of the well regulates how much gas/oil is pumped out.

Plan View of Gas/Oil Field - The impact of the wells in the landscape. This just shows the mass amounts of land that is privately owned by the gas company.

Section View of Drilled Holes - This view shows the interaction with the landscape below the surface. The drilled holes can be as deep as 10,000 feet.

New Machine Section - Sketch shows my machine turned sideways connected with a support that spins it in a 360 degree motion as the original parts continue to move normally.

New Machine Continued - This series of sketches shows how my machine would move normally and turned sideways within the landscape. The rounded forms are overlapped to show the motion of the machine in the landscape.

New Mahchine in the Landscape - If my machine would move in a 360 degree motion around a center pivot point this is the track it would take.

Land gain - With the machine moving in a 360 degree motion it would start building land outward away from the center pivot point.

Machine Over Time - Sketches show how my machine would interact and produce new land in 25 year period as well as move to a new location.

180 Degree Pivot - My machine would also be able to move in a 180 degree motion if the area around it was not suitable for a full 360 degree motion.

Land Gain Section - Section series of how my machine would create new land in the center moving outward in a 360 degree motion. The support would move up and down over the topography allowing the machine to reach different depths to create new land. As well has extending the machine past the new land to create more land further out.

24 Hr. Movement Period - This sketch shows how my machine would move to a new spot and create another island in a 50 year period.

Movement Phase - Shows how my machine would move across the land to a new spot to start the process all over. It would till the top of the new surface as it moved forward.

New Terrace Idea - This just shows as my machine over a 75 year period would create three new islands and act as a duckwing terrace. The islands would only be about 300 feet in diameter while the Original Duck Wing Terrace is about 1,000 feet long. Image is Not To Scale.

New Plan of Gas Field - Shows how my machine over time on site would create series of Islands.

New Land & Track Model - This model shows the motions of the machine with the sticks as it starts creating new patches of land. The motion is in a 360 degree motion.

New Land & Track Model

Movement Model - Model shows the movement of my machine from one location to another. From the left it would scrape existing land as it moved to the right. It would eventually make a levi system in between both islands.

Movement Model - Different angle and opposite side

Line & Plains Model - Shows how my machine will interact and cut through the surface.

Line & Plains Model

Line & Plains Model

Line & Plains Model

ModelPlan - Topo model of East Mud Lake Gas Field. The clay represents new land that my machine has produced over time.

MachineInteraction - This machine is meant to till up the surface with the counterweights and then drag the loose sediment with the new horse head.

Site Plan
