olive oil set - bottle , carafe , service plate
olive oil set - bottle , carafe , service plate
olive oil set - bottle , carafe , service plate
olive oil set - bottle , carafe , service plate
olive oil set - bottle , carafe , service plate
olive oil set #1
packaging for olive oil set
packaging for olive oil set
flamingo crutch - aims to solve the important ergonomic and usage problem of the conventional crutches with a simple a
flamingo crutch - aims to solve the important ergonomic and usage problem of the conventional crutches with a simple a
flamingo crutch - aims to solve the important ergonomic and usage problem of the conventional crutches with a simple a
flamingo crutch - aims to solve the important ergonomic and usage problem of the conventional crutches with a simple a
olive oil set#2 - olive oil set inspired by the natural form of the olive tree
olive oil set#2 - olive oil set inspired by the natural form of the olive tree
olive oil set#2 - olive oil set inspired by the natural form of the olive tree
olive oil set#2 - olive oil set inspired by the natural form of the olive tree
olive oil set#2 - olive oil set inspired by the natural form of the olive tree
olive oil set#2 - olive oil set inspired by the natural form of the olive tree
sitting equipment - inspired of sitting position of human body
sitting equipment - inspired of sitting position of human body
sitting equipment - inspired of sitting position of human body
yurt tent - temporary living area , tent , includes two rooms, entrance hall and a back yard for storage. inspir
yurt tent - temporary living area , tent , includes two rooms, entrance hall and a back yard for storage. inspir
yurt tent - temporary living area , tent , includes two rooms, entrance hall and a back yard for storage. inspir
yurt tent - temporary living area , tent , includes two rooms, entrance hall and a back yard for storage. inspir
product design

Product Design 2005 - 2011

Can Guvenir
Can Guvenir izmir , istanbul, Turkey