The final design
A. Due to a signal from the buoy, the divers movements are followed. If a diver strays from the group then an alert in the form of a strong intermittent vibration is sent to the dive master and stray diver. The stray divers LED turns on. B. If two buddies stray from each other then an alert is automatically triggered. Both buddies will receive a strong intermittent vibration and the LEDs on both buddy bands will turn on. C. The dive master can receive the attention of the group by pressing their band. This will send a constant but weaker vibration to all the divers in the group. The red LED turns on on the Masters band. D. A diver can get their buddy's attention by pressing their own band. this will send a constant but weaker vibration to their buddy's band and the LED on their own band will turn on. E. If the buoy disappears from the sight, the dive boat can easily find the location of the group by looking at the GPS coordinates that the buoy is constantly sending out.
Some concept generation sketches
Prototype testing
1:1 Scale model
Display for Degree exhibition
Tide Together

Final year degree project.
Feb - May '10

For this project we were asked to decide on a subject area that interested us and create our own brief and aims.

I decided to base my project on scuba diving. The aim of the project was to invent a product or system for use by scuba divers to aid them in exploring the underwater world safely.

Cliodhna Beirne
Wellington, New Zealand