home business raking in the money - Magazine cover
money in postal cart - national magazine cover
Treasure Chest Mail Box
South Pacific poster - Photo-illustration for posters,direct mail and billboards
Loan Monster - Digital illustration of hidden "gotcha monsters" in student loan contracts. Poster and direct mail for Ohio Student Lending
Little Burglar Monster - Digital illustration of hidden "gotcha monsters" in student loan contracts. Poster and direct mail for Ohio Student Lending
Wire Cutaways
Classic Keys
Halloween Pumpkin Crate - Point of Purchase Display for JoAnn Fabrics
Halloween Pumpkins - Point of Purchase display for JoAnne Fabrics
Big Band Jukebox - CD Cover for Doc Severensen, Dave Brubek and other jazz greats.
Uncle Sam for USA Insulation
Dow Postcard Campaign
Dow Postcard Campaign
Dow Postcard Campaign
Cover for small Business Opportunities

Create animated house Raking in the Dough/Money

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Cliff Behum
Owner, Behum Illustration Design - www.clif.biz Cleveland, OH