Litehouse Homeowner's Kit The top drawer contains the manuals. The bottom drawer contains a black box embossed with the Litehouse logo. The box serves as a container for warranties and instruction manuals for the appliances.
Litehouse Homeowner's Manuals The Care & Maintenance manual tells how to care for your Litehouse. The Community & Living manual tells about local resources and activities such as community gardens, farmers' markets, parks and restaurants.
Litehouse Homeowner's Kit Each box has a custom etched plate mounted on top that tells the date of completion, the style number and the serial number of that particular house. The box plate matches a corresponding boiler plate mounted inside the house.
Litehouse Homeowner's Kit

Litehouse Homeowner's Kit - A Litehouse is an environmentally responsible home that treads "lightly" on the earth. These kits are given to new Litehouse owners. Each kit contains two manuals and a box for warranty storage.

In keeping with the green, environmentally responsible approach of the home each kit is constructed from recycled and sustainable materials.

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Cleve Smith
Associate Creative Director Birmingham, AL