Pomomusings Blog Banner
Serendipity Blog Banner - As an active blogger myself, it's always annoying to see generic blog designs with no personalized touch. I enjoy seeing a blog that communicates some aspect of the blogger's personality. Creating appealing and creative blog banners has been a hobby for the past few years. This is just one of the many banners I have created for my wife's blog called serendipity. This banner was created using Adobe Photoshop CS2.
Tropical Enterprises, Inc. Website - This was the first full website I ever created. I did this for a Web Design course I took in college. Tropical Enterprises, Inc. is a family business, started by my grandfather Albert Farnum Cleaveland. There are some basic e-commerce functions on this site (fully functional order form, etc). I created everything on the site, except for the photography of the bags, which was outsourced to a professional photographer. This site was created using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and Macromedia Dreamweaver.
Camp Sawtooth Website - While on staff at this small Presbyterian Church (USA) camp in southern Idaho, I realized their website was not informative, helpful or very pretty to look at. So I offered to redo the website. Some of the photography on the website is my own. This site was created using Adobe Photoshop CS and Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004. Disclaimer: Since creating the site, the Camp Board has given another individual control over the site, and they have attempted to "tweak" the site.
Practical Theology Department Website - The Practical Theology Department of Princeton Theological Seminary contracted me to create a website that would be particular to their department within the seminary. Within the Practical Theology Department are four sub-groups that I worked with to create a site that gave their department a unique and customized web presence in relation to the other departments at the seminary. This site was created using Adobe Photoshop CS and Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004.
Faithful Practices Website - This site was created for a grant project funded by Lilly Endowment Inc., and sponsored by Princeton Theological Seminary. The site was created during the spring of 2005 and continues to be an active site, as Princeton has recently received a grant-extension for this particular project through the spring of '07. This was one of the first sites in which I worked with CSS. This site was created using Adobe Photoshop CS and Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004.
Middle East Fellowship Splash Page - I spent the summer of 2005 living in Bethlehem, in the West Bank, with an organization called Holy Land Trust. Their sister organization in the US, based in Pasadena, is Middle East Fellowship (MEF). MEF launched a new site in the spring of 2006, and asked me to create a graphic splash introduction page. They had seen the one done for the Faithful Practices Project website, and they requested basically the same design. This page was created using Adobe Photoshop CS and Macromedia Dreamweaver.
Blogger Blog Template - More and more people are blogging today but don't want to shell out a lot of money for a fancy service like Typepad or Movable Type. Blogspot blogs are the blog of choice for many bloggers, but the available templates are quite limited. I've been working to create attractive, simple and clean looking templates for Blogspot blogs, and I've had a few people work with me to help create their template. This template was created using Adobe Photoshop CS and Smultron.
Web Media
Adam Walker Cleaveland
Cleave Design Princeton, NJ