.bE Poster - This posters I designed for an alt.worship (alternative worship) gathering I created while living in southern Idaho. This was specifically focused on being something that people in rural, southern Idaho could relate to (with the fields and the sky and horizon). This poster were created using Adobe Photoshop CS.
.bE Poster - This is a poster I designed for an alt.worship (alternative worship) gathering I created while living in southern Idaho. This poster has been used in more urban settings, especially on college and graduate school campuses. This poster was created using Adobe Photoshop CS.
Beauty - In undergrad, I was only able to take three art courses: Photography, Design and Web Design [if I could go back now, I would have majored in Graphic Design, instead of Religion]. This was a digital project for my Design course. The project was to create an image that depicted "beauty." Our instructor forbid us to paint or photograph sunsets, and this is the project I came up with. I photographed my friend in a variety of bodily poses illustrating human emotion, and then collaged them.
BGLASS Logo & T-Shirt Design - This logo design was created specifically for BGLASS (Bisexuals, Gays, Lesbians and Straight Supporters), a student group at Princeton Theological Seminary. It was their annual BGLASS Week, and this design became the t-shirt design as well as a design used on posters and other print media during the week. We used American Apparel T-shirts, which are sweat-shop free shirts made in LA, as well as had the shirts printed at Ashbury Images, based in Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco.
Sexual Revelation - I created this piece to go along with a paper I wrote for a theology course at Princeton Theological Seminary. The paper was about sexuality, incarnation and body theology [you can read it here], so it seemed appropriate for this poster to consist of a collage of images and words that related to the body and to flesh. This poster was created using Adobe Photoshop CS.
Personal Business Card - While working as the Director for Youth Ministries in southern Idaho, and being very active leading worship at events, speaking at camps and taking .bE (see below) to various retreats, I decided to make myself a 2-sided full-color business card. After a few different mock-ups, this is the card I eventually chose. This card was created using Adobe Photoshop CS.
Wedding Ceremony Bulletin - Sarah (my wife) and I decided that we wanted to create a type of "logo" for our wedding that could go on invitations, CD gift giveaways, ceremony bulletins, table number decorations, etc. So I created this logo with the first letter of both of our last names. Despite the obvious (and unfortunate) connotation to the global term for a restroom (WC), the logo worked well in all the ways we used it, and provided a simple but elegant way of creating a 'brand identity' for our wedding.
Wedding Invitation - Sarah (my wife) and I decided that we wanted to create a type of "logo" for our wedding that could go on invitations, CD gift giveaways, ceremony bulletins, table number decorations, etc. So I created this logo with the first letter of both of our last names. Despite the obvious (and unfortunate) connotation to the global term for a restroom (WC), the logo worked well in all the ways we used it, and provided a simple but elegant way of creating a 'brand identity' for our wedding.
Wedding Logo & Brand Identity - Sarah (my wife) and I decided that we wanted to create a type of "logo" for our wedding that could go on invitations, CD gift giveaways, ceremony bulletins, table number decorations, etc. So I created this logo with the first letter of both of our last names. Despite the obvious (and unfortunate) connotation to the global term for a restroom (WC), the logo worked well in all the ways we used it, and provided a simple but elegant way of creating a 'brand identity' for our wedding.
Print Media
Adam Walker Cleaveland
Cleave Design Princeton, NJ