The Peterson Group Review: What Everybody Ought to Know Before Buying a Laptop

1.Choose the Right OS
Windows OS, MAC and Chrome OS are popular. Of course, you can’t choose a MAC without having an Apple Laptop. However, survey says that MAC has excelled more when it comes to industrial design and feature. If you live in the United States or a more developed country, MAC is easily accepted and can connect to different ports since most of the people also use Apple but when you are in a less developed cities like Bangkok, Thailand or Jakarta, Indonesia, it would be more advisable to use Windows OS and its generally more affordable. On the other hand, Chrome OS is unlikely to get infected by malware or viruses since it is mainly a browser. The preference in the operating systems can be depending on the feature you would be using. Just make sure you don’t download fraudulent operating system as it can also harm your laptop and it can make you vulnerable to online scam and virus.

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