
“On one hand, ‘Cloud’ is an Arduino-controlled, motion-triggered lightning & thunder performance. On the other, it is a music-activated visualizer and suspended speaker unit.”

Acting as both a semi-immersive lightning experience, or as a speaker with visual feedback, this nightlight/speaker hybrid introduces a new discourse for what a nightlight could be. “Advances in physical computing and interaction design hardware over recent years have created a new breed of smartobjects, which are gaining more and more traction in the design world. These smartobjects have the potential to be far more interactive and immersive than ever before. And what is exciting is that it’s becoming increasingly easier and cheaper to become a part of this new kind of making, with DIY and hacker community initiatives such as Maker Faire, Instrutactables and numerous others. This project aims to capture the essence of this kind of designing—where ideas and process are shared for others to use and expand upon.”

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Richard Clarkson
Founder at richard clarkson design New York, NY