Where is the Line?.....Have I crossed it?

Title: Where is the Line?....Have I Crossed it?
Technique(s): Tapestry, decoupage, Felting
Materials: Newsprint, Wool, Electrical Wire, Acrylic Paint
Photo Credit: Kailey Bryan

One of the greatest things I have taken from my studies of textiles, fashion and design is to "Consider why you do something". That's a big question. In this piece I consider why I read the newspaper and what I get from it. I like to have an understanding of things that affect me, my family, my friends, and my community. With so much information coming at you all the time it can be challenging to gain the perspective that allows you to see all the sides of a story. I think of those definitive times where I know I crossed a line. I also think of those times when I have been so involved and caught-up in a situation or event and had no idea where that line was or that there was one.

Clare Dawn Fowler
Textile Artist St John's, Canada