Orchids and Dandelions

Title: Orchids and Dandelions
Date: 2015
Techniques: Weaving, Painting, Screen Printing
Materials: Mercerized Cotton, Ink
In 2010, while travelling, I picked up a copy of a magazine called Scientific American Mind. In that particular issue was an article called "On the Trail of the Orchid Child" and it was based on a concept in children's psychology where the researches liken the needs of children to those of Orchids and Dandelions. It wasn't to quantify attributes or success it was just to say that children needs different things to thrive and survive. Some have very specific needs like orchids and some need to be challenged like dandelions. There was a lot more to it but that's a jist. I found the article incredibly interesting and never forgot it. Fast forward a few years and I find myself having a child and reflecting on that article. This piece is my wish and hope that all children get what they need to find love and happiness in their lives.

Clare Dawn Fowler
Textile Artist St John's, Canada