Blue C Sushi Logo Redesign - Revised version: I created a font for the restaurant that mimics asian calligraphy style so it will not confuse the consumers about what type of food that they are selling. I also added some wasabi green color so the new look will suggest food and hence it is visually more appetizing. Finally, I made the C more like a symbol that can be easily recognized. In addition, it will work on all applications such as signage, menu, and web.
Eva Air Logo Redesign - The word, EVA AIR, was taken from first two letters of "evergreen' and first letter of "airways". In their current existing logo I find it hard to make association with evergreen or eva air. Hence, in the revised version I used the swoosh to suggest speed, and the arrow-like wings to represent the evergreen tree. Also, I replaced the current type with proto type, which is lighter in weight and therefore may suggest a faster speed.
Eva Air Logo Redesign
Toronto Raptors Logo Redesign - In this team project I was basically in charge of the typography design. My team members, Ray, Ebru, and me worked together through initial brainstorming, thumbnailing, sketching for roughs, and lots of revising and troubleshootings. This is the best example of what group collaboration can do to achieve the best solution.
Toronto Raptors Logo Redesign
Active Intella
Yago Summer Camp - A logo that I designed for the ECC Chinese young adult summer camp in 2009.
Logo Design