Mamman's Joe Menu - A menu for a fictional coffee house. Completed in my senior year of college.
Marginalia Studios - Poster #1 - This is a poster designed to advertise a business I co-founded named Marginalia Studios. The bottom part is made to be cut so that passersby could rip off a tab if they found themselves in need of some sweet art.
J.Miller & Associates - Handout - This was designed for J.Miller & Associates, a lawyer firm based in Concord, NH. It gives their clients information concerning Employee Legal Assitance.
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Crossroad Consultant - Business Card - This is one of three business cards I designed for Crossroad Consultants, a new business based in Dunbarton, NH. I also created the logo for them.
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Geri B. Farnell - Business Card - This business card and logo was designed for an up and coming lawyer, Geri Farnell. She does her business out of Gilford, NH.
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These are examples of print designs I have produced, both from school and my places of employment.

Freelance, Full-time
Cassandra Korbey
Graphic Designer Los Angeles, CA