Promotional Email Marketing Templates. The CMS allows TBC members to create many different types of email messages and to import customized data directly from their individual business profiles within the program into the template designs. Everything from individualized branding, hero image and color palette options, to SKUS, barcodes and promotional copy has been incorporated into the template generator. From a UX/UI standpoint, the templates had to be designed with customizable content in mind, and work within the constraints of the formatting structure without breaking the visual design.
The Bike Coorperative

UX/UI design for this private, online administrative database for TBC administrative staff and its members. Design of a Communications tool within the database that allows TBC members to build custom digital and/or print communications pieces on the fly within the online interface, store these custom layouts and either direct-export to third party vendors for printing; or create customized promotional email marketing. Designed the email marketing templates used in the Communications tool. All marketing pieces had to be designed to account for variable data fields, custom images, and information pulled directly from the database.

Christine Marchand
Lead, Member-Facing Digital Experience Nashua, NH