Hannah Montana Graphic Design - For A Jakks Hannah Montana Fashion Doll Playset
Playset Graphics - Color and labels I designed for a fashion doll sized tour bus playset
Hannah Montana Playset Graphics - Color and labels I designed for a fashion doll sized tour bus playset
Graphic Design Labels for Toys
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Graphic Design Labels for Hannah Montana Playset
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Taylor Swift Doll Style Guide - Style for Taylor Swift doll for Jakks Pacific
Hannah Montana Tee Shirt Graphics
Children's Tee Shirt Graphics
Icon Design for Dynamic Designworks - For Craft Toy Concept
Icon Design for Dynamic Designworks - For Craft Toy Concept
Logo for Resturant
Cute Logo
Event Flyer Graphic Design - For the Firebird Lounge in Santa Barbara, CA.
Logo and Label Graphic Design
Logo and Advertisment Graphic Design
Magazine Advertisement Graphic Design
Event Flyer Graphic Designn
Event Flyer Graphic Design
Graphic Design
Cimmi Cumes
Design Manager at Mattel Santa Barbara, CA