September - Skyscraper Day - From an assignment to create a calender. September 3rd is Skyscraper Day.
April - Blah Blah Blah Day - From an assignment to create a calender. Blah Blah Blah Day is April 17th.
November - Occult Day
May - Be a Millionaire Day
July - National Vanilla Ice Cream Day
January - Ditch Your Resolution Day
October - Virus Appreciation Day - Virus Appreciation Day - October 3rd.
August - Peach Month - August is Peach month. The color version of the Unusual holidays calendar.
March - Music in Our Schools Month - March is Music in our Schools month. From the color version of my Unusual holidays calendar.
June - Adopt-A-Cat Month
July - Anti Boredom Month
August - Race Your Mouse Day - The bizarre holiday for August. Part of the calendar project.
March - Multiple Personality Day - My personal favorite holiday, this one for March. Part of the calendar project.
February - White T-shirt Day - February's bizarre holiday. Part of the calendar project.
December - Violin Day - The holiday for December, from the calendar project. It could still be tweaked a bit.
June - National Repeat Day - The holiday of June, from the calendar project.
December - Bingo Month - December is Bingo month. May all bingo enthusiasts find luck during this month.
May - National Photography Month - May is Nat. Photography month. The figures for the pictures are from a font call Funny Icons.
October - Shelter Dog Month - One of my favorite months. Adopt a shelter dog :)
January - National Soup Month - One of my favorite food on my least favorite month.
April - Int. Guitar Month - Not technically an American holiday, but we are a part of the international community.
February - Grapefruit Month - February, the national month of grapefruit. (This is actually a revised version)
2011 Calender - Bizarre Holidays
Keshia Pace
Freelance Print Designer Fort Washington, MD