Alfred E Trump.
If Trump won the part of Captain Kirk!
Debate time!
trump preps for the debates.
Trump foundation buys large portrait of Donald Trump.
Slapping lipstick on a pig.
Trump tries to attack Bill.
Debate 1.
This is a cartoon of Trump being dropped of miles and miles away as unwanted pets were when Dad took a drive with them and dropped them off far away from home!
Evil clown!
trump's body language for debate 3.
Trump is toast!
Enter Your Description Here
Scene outside a local 7-11.
Trump accuses Clinton of using drugs at the debate!
Melanie Trump explains her husband's locker room talk as a bunch of 14 year old boys shooting the sh#t. Really?.
The only victim is Trump"s mouth.
the only trump tape I want to see!
GOP's Alien .
Debate # 3.
King Don.
Trump on the sacred grounds of Gettysburg.
Trump at the Alamo, 1836.
Donald Trump: One mean "Ombre".
3rd debate.
Rudy Giuliani's legacy movie: "Up in smoke".
If Rudy Giuliani and Nosferatu had a baby.
November is turkey time!
Trump the puppet. Show over.
Donald Trump at Little Big Horn, 1876.
Another committed Trump supporter.
Trump coming in for the kill.
President Trump's nominees for the Supreme Court: Judge Smails, Judge Reinhold and Judge Dredd.
Mike Pence once again cleaning up after Donald Trump's latest interview.
President Clinton takes a page from Trump's book.
"stupid is as stupid does".
Trump's inauguration day.
day after the election.
Hell just froze over. Trump is President.
political cartoons

These are my original cartoons based on the 2016 Presidential campaign.

Christopher Allard
Illustrator Bridgewater, MA