Took a photo of my yard, when all the snow and ice was on the trees, turned it black and white in photoshop then burned and dodged it to make it lighter and darker in certain areas. Then painted a new layer all black, using the paint bucket tool. Then I made an oval shape and feathered it at 250 px, then hit delete and it made a nice dark border.
Took a photo in my backyard when the snow first started to fall and watched two bucks roam around the back, with snow lightly dusting their backs. Opened the image up in Photoshop then hit Image>Adjustments>Black & White... Then moved the cursors to change the colors on the photo. Then took the dodge and burn tools and used them on certain areas in the photo. Last, I made a new layer and used the paint bucket to fill the layer with black, and then took the Elliptical Marquee tool, made an oval then feathered it at 250px, and hit delete to make a nice dark border. Then changed the opacity to the way I liked it.
Photo in my front yard, went to Image>Adjustments>Black & White... and changed it to the way I liked it. Then tool the dodge and burn tool and brushed onto spots that looked like it needed it. I like how the tree trunk is dark but then the snow is bright white and it stands out. I then made a new layer and put a paint bucket of black color on that layer, then took the circle tool and had it feathered, then deleted that and changed the opacity a little.
Black and White - Ansel Adams
Chrissy Ognibene
Student Photographer Sparta Township, NJ