AMBUSH! Hannibal at the Gates Exhibit Model, Threshold View. Materials: Foam Core, Cardboard.
AMBUSH! Hannibal at the Gates Exhibit Model, Top View. Materials: Foam Core, Cardboard.
AMBUSH! Hannibal at the Gates Exhibit

AMBUSH! Hannibal at the Gates is an exhibit developed and designed on subject choice, Historical Figure Hannibal Barca. The assignment was to develop a trickster themed exhibit. While working in pairs, one student developed an exhibit and then handed it off to another student to design. Each student developed and designed two different projects. Final presentations were conducted in front of a review board, each designer presented their work.
This work served as the final project for Museum Exhibition Planning and Design (MEPD) Studio 1, completed in Fall 2018.

Christine Galley
Interior Designer Fairfax, VA