Verathon is a house of brands. We developed the sliding "postcards" to highlight the personality of each brand and make it easy to access the brand home pages.
This is the brand home page for GlideScope, a video laryngoscope that provides a view of the airway so a patient can be intubated to receive oxygen. Each such major brand homepage features a custom animation which demonstrates the product (most with imagery only) in less than 35 seconds. Each animation was a collaboration between myself and the animator. I provided art direction and storyboards.
Each major brand homepage directs the user to model pages which feature an interactive window that allows the reader to explore the product's features and benefits. Mouse over the numbers to activate.
AortaScan brand homepage. AortaScan is a portable ultrasound device. The animation demonstrates how the scanner takes a series of readings to measure the aortic diameter and displays them on the monitor.
Heartscape brand home page. Heartscape is a portable 80-lead ECG device that helps detect myocardial infarctions occurring on the back or sides of the body.
Heartscape interactive.
ScanPoint home page. ScanPoint is image management software that allows healthcare providers to link medical data to patient records.
Website design

This was a total revamp of the company's dated site. I was Associate Creative
Director in charge of visual branding and forging a partnership with a web design firm.
All of the site content was either my design or contracted/supervised by me (such as the interactives and animations).
Each brand has its own home page with a product animation designed to describe its function with imagery alone. They are linked to model pages which have interactives that detail features and benefits.

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Christina Conte
Art Director, Associate Creative Director Seattle, WA