The World skyline

A web interactive collection of 115 illustrations of the most famous tall structures from 2600 BC to 2022. They in been selected for specific criteria: (1) former tallest structures; (2) tallest structures for specific categories (e.g. twin towers, antenna, bridge); (3) tallest for functions (offices, residentials); (4) tallest for places; (5) some others particularly appreciated for stylistic or structural aspects. For each of them, the most important features (e.g. height, material, style).

Code and design have been specifically realised through HTML, CS, JS and JQUERY

Illustrations and logos have been specially designed with Inkscape. They are SVG with fixed borders of 1.5 / 2 px. If you do not visualize them right (with Edge or other shitty browsers) change it. It is not up to the author

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Freelance, Full-time
Christian Spreafico
Design Bergamo, Italy