Electrolux Designlab Finalist 2007 / Pure Washer is divided into two parts. Each is a mirror image of the other, so when the consumer puts the dishes into the exposed half of sink, it rotates away under the counter to wash them. There is no need to wait until the appliance is full and, since the dishes are put in while still fresh, it only takes a couple of minutes to clean them. The appliance optimizes the amount of water and energy used. Project Partner Tatjana Voronova. Patented.
Electrolux Designlab Finalist 2007 / Pure Washer is divided into two parts. Each is a mirror image of the other, so when the consumer puts the dishes into the exposed half of sink, it rotates away under the counter to wash them. There is no need to wait until the appliance is full and, since the dishes are put in while still fresh, it only takes a couple of minutes to clean them. The appliance optimizes the amount of water and energy used. Project Partner Tatjana Voronova. Patented.


Christian Moser
Christian Moser Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany