Liaison dangereuses - Fascinated by the Samurai, I was especially captivated by the story of female samurai Tomoe Gozen, who was the lover of a Japanese commander of the second half of the 12th century, I had a closer look to the forms of the suits of armour and their clothing. The conceptual idea of this collection was to reinterpret the worlds of ancient and modern Japan and to merge them to a collection that modern women are proud to wear.
Liaison dangereuses - Fascinated by the Samurai, I was especially captivated by the story of female samurai Tomoe Gozen, who was the lover of a Japanese commander of the second half of the 12th century, I had a closer look to the forms of the suits of armour and their clothing. The conceptual idea of this collection was to reinterpret the worlds of ancient and modern Japan and to merge them to a collection that modern women are proud to wear.
Liaison dangereuses - Fascinated by the Samurai, I was especially captivated by the story of female samurai Tomoe Gozen, who was the lover of a Japanese commander of the second half of the 12th century, I had a closer look to the forms of the suits of armour and their clothing. The conceptual idea of this collection was to reinterpret the worlds of ancient and modern Japan and to merge them to a collection that modern women are proud to wear.
liason dangereuses - Fascinated by the Samurai, I was especially captivated by the story of female samurai Tomoe Gozen, who was the lover of a Japanese commander of the second half of the 12th century, I had a closer look to the forms of the suits of armour and their clothing. The conceptual idea of this collection was to reinterpret the worlds of ancient and modern Japan and to merge them to a collection that modern women are proud to wear.
summer 2007
Christian Fayek
Fashion Designer Essen, Germany