Uncla Sam is making pressure upon Switzerland's banking system. (Commissioned by Manager Magazin, Germany).
The Trial of Slobodan MiloševicThe 2002–2005 trial of Slobodan Miloševic at the ICTY included hundreds of witnesses and lasted until the death of Slobodan Miloševic. Miloševic did not recognize the tribunal but participated in the proceedings with the larger point of presenting his view of the truth. The tribunal in this case serves not only as the court but it has a larger role of establishing what has really happened in the 1990s in Yugoslavia, and of distinguishing facts from fiction and propaganda. The trial has been described as the "trial of the century". Christian Barthold (Free illustration).
Kopenhagen Clima Conference: Every year it's the same discussion, and the poker goes on and on. (Commissioned by "tageszeitung" (TAZ) / Germany.)
World Politics

Some illustrations about politics, done for several German newspapers and magazines.

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Christian Barthold
Illustrator & Communication-Designer (FH-Diploma) Köln, Germany