Design of a new landing page to adhere to the new "Milestones" campaign for the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center. The "Milestones" campaign focuses on actual cancer survivors and how they can still achieve the goals they set out to accomplish in life. The page is focused on the patients stories with a short video for each patient. My role was in the front-end design of the page using the design elements form the campaign and how to showcase each patients story in a unique way.
View WebsiteDesign of a new landing page to adhere to the new "Milestones" campaign for the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center. The "Milestones" campaign focuses on actual cancer survivors and how they can still achieve the goals they set out to accomplish in life. The page is focused on the patients stories with a short video for each patient. My role was in the front-end design of the page using the design elements form the campaign and how to showcase each patients story in a unique way.
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