Claris Packaging Series - A family of packages designed both to fight the visual clutter on store shelves and to appeal to Macintosh users.
Brand Icon for eConnections - Brand icon—distinctive and relevant—for an Internet company that manages supply chains for the electronics industry.
Cilicon Ad Campaign - A sequence of three ads to launch Cilicon, Avnet's new business unit. The new brand is the largest of a series of “speedboat” companies—sharply-focused business units that can respond quickly to localized needs and competition. Each ad contains the five promises that differentiates the company from its competition. Avnet is a leading supplier of electronic components.
Spotmarket Web Site - Here's my idea to design the home page of an auction site to look like a game board. Most home pages overwhelm visitors with far too many choices and lack a visual hierarchy. This design attempts to make navigation more intuitive and fun.
Cover for Wit issue of Critique - Graphic wit is one of the most effective ways to grab and hold the attention of your audience. That's my right hand under all the makeup (that I painstakingly applied with my left hand).