Pedgao final model - Final concept model and scenarios. The desk integrates new solutions for mobility, flexibility, and storage to bring student work surface mor ein line with the current needs of students.
Freq-E - Freq_e is a next generation portable media player that combines two screens with analog mixing controls, allowing the user to create, edit, and manipulate audio and video.
Pedago behavioral prototype - Full-size ehavioral prototype of a student desk for higher education (work in progress). The desk integrates new solutions for mobility, flexibility, and storage to bring student work surface more in line with the current needs of students.
Various works - Various works from Lamphabit business.
Frame Vac - FrameVac utilizes a new frame based architecture and a component reorganization, making the FrameVac a better dust collector, more stable and manueverable, and eliminates the inhalation of harmful dust while emptying. It addresses the problems in existing devices while maintaining their versatile waste collection capabilities.