Periscope project based on seasonal character/summer. Cardboard, closed cell foam, mirrors, acrylic paint & pom poms.
DIY fairy wing kit with LED lights. Scratch-built with wire frame, cello and tulle, LED lighting with battery pack, felt and ribbon.
DIY trick-or-treat bag based on seasonal character design. Eyes are lit with LED clip on, water-proof lights.
DIY google-eye lawn dice.
DIY snowman wreath. Styrofoam, felt, pom poms & Sharpie. (Collaborative build)
Scratch built 3D wood structure with LED lighting.
STEM DIY "dancing" reindeer. Small counter-balanced electric motor used to create movement. Designed to teach basic physics & electrical connectivity.
Kid's Craft Prototypes

Craft Project ideas proposed during Trend presentations.

Chris Boggs
Product & Trend Design, Illustration, Photography Fort Worth, TX