Preliminary UX Sketch - Sketches, the initial step in my UX practice, used to outline concepts, organize functionality, and demonstrate the flow of information.
Preliminary UX Sketch - Sketches, the initial step in my UX practice, used to outline concepts, organize functionality, and demonstrate the flow of information.
Preliminary UX Sketch - Sketches, the initial step in my UX practice, used to outline concepts, organize functionality, and demonstrate the flow of information.
User Workflow Sketch - Preliminary sketch demonstrating in-app user flow.
Financial Application Wireframe
Financial Application User Interface
Solta Medical Wireframes - Wireframes detailing user experience and workflow in ordering med spa treatments.
Solta Medical Wireframes - Wireframes detailing user experience and workflow in ordering med spa treatments.
Behr Paint Interface Design - Interface design for consumer kiosk.
User Interface Comps - Interface designs and workflow diagrams for online financial applications (logos obscured due to NDA's).
User Interface Comps - Interface designs and workflow diagrams for online financial applications (logos obscured due to NDA's).
User Interface Comps - Interface designs and workflow diagrams for online financial applications (logos obscured due to NDA's).
James Novy
Creative Dynamo Jersey City, NJ