Interior Design and Installation - Kuo Yuan Ye Traditional Cake Shop_COMPLETED (Left), Museum of Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica_COMPLETED (Middle), Montblanc Installation in Sanlitun, Beijing (Right)
Wanli Health Center, Taiwan_Complete - Project Designer and manager at Mitsuno Architect & Associates
Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada_On Construction - Project Designer at Antoine Predock Architect PC
Luxe Lake New Town Gateway, Chengdu, China_On Construction - Project Designer at Antoine Predock Architect PC
College of Media and Communciations, Northwestern University, Doha, Qatar_On Construction - Project Designer at Antoine Predock Architect PC
National Palace Museum Southern Branch, Chiayi,Taiwan - Project Designer and Site Representative at Antoine Predock Architect PC
Professional Practices

Projects I had deeply involved and managed during my professional practice.

Chi-Cheng Lee
Architect Taipei, Taiwan