Objective of Doll and Garments, to be kept in Child Life Play Room: Doll will create a positive play experience and valuable problem-solving opportunities, while creating a level of expectation and security for age-appropriate patients. Pressure garments custom-made for doll: vest, left separate sleeve, waist-tights, and right knee-high.
OT/PT Gym Design Proposal Intro
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OT/PT Gym Design Proposal Intro
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Shriners Hospital for Children: Customized Therapy Garments

Design process includes working with occupational therapists interdepartmentally to problem-solve and determine the best rehabilitation treatment in the form of customized pressure therapy garments for patients. As a garment technician, I measure patients, draft patterns, and construct custom therapy garments. Garments are then fit and revised to ensure the best fit possible for each individual patient’s needs.

The mannequin is wearing various garments that a burn patient may need to wear during the therapy process, including a vest, sleeve, shorts and anklet. The garments, sewn with industrial sergers and sewing machines, apply pressure to grafts and donor skin areas that will minimize scaring.

Material: stretch knits, elastics

Cheryl Merz
Product Designer at Downlite International Cincinnati, OH