3D Works 3D Works from Cherry Ramon Dinoso 3d works Sharpener - 3d models created in UG and rendered in 3dsmax Vray buckles and webbing - 3d modelling in UG rendering ing 3dsmax Vray AL ROD - 3d modelling ing UG and 3dsmax Vray rendered tyre - modelling in 3dsmax 9 and rendered in vray1.5..... I'm studying 3dsmax and vray from tutorials. watch - i just try 3dsmax modelling and rendering 3d ballpen - We are Research and Development Staff....And this 3d modeling is one of our UG excercise.... Computer Mouse - i used unigraphics and photoshop gLike 3d works 3D Modeling Share R 7 n Cherry Ramon Dinoso PRODUCT DESIGNER AND DEVELOPER Makati City, Philippines Follow Contact