TRA-K (bus ticketing system) - TRA-K is look at the future of transportation systems and the applications of information technologies and infrastructure to them in Malaysia. Rock pigeon is the metaphor and inspiration for this project. The design process shows TRA-K is born with implementation of the latest technology and gadget to provide efficient public transportation social service which users can plan, buy and track public transportation ticket through mobile gadget. *Above is for education project purpose only
TRA-K (workflow diagram) - Diagram flow which shows how is about ideation concept working flow interaction who involve between consumers, service providers and telco. *Above is for educational project purpose only
TRA-K (task analysis) - Task analysis illustrate all the main and sub tasks that needs to trigger by user in this concept. It gives a more details picture and information in develop interface design. *Above is for educational project purpose only
TRA-K (cognitive mapping) - Above shows the function feature and actions that user need to trigger when using TRA-K. *Above is for educational project purpose only
TRA-K (screen interface design) - Throughout the design process of TRA-K, these are screen interface design development from sketches on how the screen flows run in the application till development in digital format. In this phase, it will looks as compatibility of numbers of screen and function features that can be improved. Last process of screen design, is to summarise the function and animation of screen that shows how is the interaction of whole application works. *Above for educational project purposes only
Application screen finalization *Above is for educational project purpose only
TRA-K (design process) - (From Top Left) Mood board design, user narration board, superimpose, user testing, prototype development, sales pitch board. (The right) sketch analysis *Above is for educational purposes only
TRA-K (superimpose) - Illustration to illustrate how this concept blend with real life environment and user. *Above is for educational project purpose only
Janet Choo
Senior Executive Creative Services Singapore, Singapore