Object impossible design

I've imagined how we could survive after a break-up...and I thought about a survival kit ! Couldn't it be wonderful to have it ?!
In 3 steps you could forget your ex boyfriend !
1° step : Forget him and stop tears of sadness with : one "Iron Rubber Amnesy" which could erase his face on pictures, a "Megaphone ring" which could comfort you, a "Tear Dryer Mascara" which could allowed you to wipe your tears ! And a "Phone cover ex-trap" to avoid hassling him.
2° step : take care about your self and be transformed as a princess ! With "Beauty mirror cream", when you'll look at yourself in this cream mirror you will see all perfections of your face and boost your confidence. With a "Massage Head Shower" which allowed you to take some relax in the shower.
Step 3 : meet a new guy ! With a "Radar fan", which have the power to find your prince charming according to criterions. And an "Anchor Perfume", putting it you will

Charlotte Rosso
Infographiste freelance et étudiante en publicité et relations publiques Madrid, Spain