The first Koi I drew, I focused mainly on getting all the details right, drawing out all the scales.
The second Koi I drew, I was focusing on getting the feel of it right, I wanted it to 'feel' pointy and scaly and bony.
This was the third Koi I drew, it was a study in a bird's-eye view of the fish.
The fourth Koi, I was sort of focusing on giving it a sort of Koi Dragon feel, whilst still sticking to the rules of designing an actual fish. I wanted to get some flow and motion in too, so i gave the fins a drapery sort of look.
These were the fifth and sixth Kois, they are a bit smaller than the previous four, and as such were created to be a sort of contrast to the others.
These were also created to be a contrast in size with the other Kois, also by using the smaller ones I could give the end product a bit of depth.
The first Koi colored, white/gray.
The second Koi colored, White/gray with orange spots.
Third Koi colored, deep red.
Fourth Koi colored, yellow/gold.
Fifth and sixth Kois colored; red, black and white/gray and orange and black.
All the small ones are colored and patterned after real koi fish patterns.
The Background is acrylics on canvas, different types of nebulas put together and sprinkled with stars.
The finished painting; the acrylic background was covered with a thin layer of silver paint to give a sort of watery feel, then the fish were cut out and glued onto the canvas.
The Koi Fish Space Project

A painting put together with paper fish, drawn, colored and cut out then glued onto a canvas painted with acrylics.