Wheeler V3 2006 - The V3 series of Wheelers had only 7 wheels with an all spun body and seat. Still too expencive to produce however. Plastic is going to be the future for these little fellers. Milan 2006
Wheelers V2, Milan 2005 - The whole collection of the second edition Wheelers shown at the Milan Furniture Fair in 2005 with Designersblock. After this very straight gallery style show Davidson started building Wheeler ramps.
Wheelers V2 2005 - The 15 second edition Wheelers Davidson showed at the 2005 Designersblock show in Milan.
Wheeler V1 - Shown for the first time at Max Frasers DesignUK show at Gainsbough Studios in 2004, then shortly after in Tokyo at the 5 Days Event during the Design Week,
PYKY Wheeler - Shown at the Designersblock show in Milan, Frankfurt, London 2005. Decorated by PYKY.
Volume Wheeler - This Wheeler which has volume makings that gave it a disticly medical quality. Wheeler V2 2005
Race Wheeler - My favorite Wheeler from the V2 series of 15 designs produced. Inspired by those hoofed American Speedway cars.
Wheeler V3 - The Wheelers V3 Series, New wheels, new body and new stickers. Milan 2006
Charlie Davidson
Charlie Davidson Studio Gothenberg, Sweden