Email Retargeting Promo Piece
Campaign promoting offline and online channels
Email Marketing - Email designed to create awareness of a London office for BuzzBack's European clients.
Doctor Discussion Guide - Direct to Patient Marketing Program A patient's guide for talking to their doctor. Four-part email series. Open Rate 33% CTR 18%
Health Insider - Direct to Patient Marketing
Promotional email to acquire osteoporosis sufferers
Email Marketing - To alert the press of a new BuzzBack study developed in conjunction with Disney about Tweens' Health and Fitness Habits. The results of this study were published in Brandweek.
Email Invite for Higher Ed webinar focusing on social media to sell Radian6. Wrote all the copy and put it in the template.
eAppend Holiday Promotion Email Wrote all the copy and did the design.
Email Marketing
Charity Lorenzen
Marketing Manager San Francisco, CA