Customer Success Story: Nonprofit market. Used to demonstrate the value of the salesforce platform for npos to improve operations and efficiencies and ultimately help them advance their mission. Interviewed the client, wrote all the copy and did the design.
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Customer Success Story: Higher Ed market. Used to demonstrate the value of the salesforce platform for multi-department use within a university. Interviewed the client, wrote all the copy and did the design.
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Print ad written and designed for the Nonprofit Technology Conference to promote the Foundation and Exponent Partners co-sponsorship. (It was a split page ad in the conference brochure so it was difficult to get a nice scan.) Also promoted the Social Impact Salon, which was a networking event and three panel discussions. Over 400 registered for the Social Impact Salon and more people showed up. We ended up turning people away at the door.
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Intergrated Campaign Packages
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Little Black Book for Online Media
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Sales Collateral: Wrote all the copy and put it in a template. Bi-fold
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Charity Lorenzen
Marketing Manager San Francisco, CA