BURL 2001-2013??-This is my best friend in the entire world. Black Watch Burl. Burl for short. He was the best dog in the world. All he ever did was sleep, eat, and yeah that's about it. He just was so calm and happy. This picture is just him overall. But the editing on the picture does not do it justice. I am telling a story...but because he was a bright dog, the lightness made it lighter than normal.
Burl's Birdhouse 2014: Last October my dog, Burl, had passed away. My family and I wanted something to remember him by. We got a bird house and it stands high off the ground and stands on a bed of spring flowers ready to bloom. I always associated red with burl...I am not quite sure why but the red makes me think of him.
Burl's Collar 2014: Everyday I took Burl for walks. He always got excited and wagged his tail to the sound of his collar rattling. We would not walk far though...just long enough for him to handle. Every time I looked at his key chains, i saw this one..."Best dog in the world".......Words that were always wonderful and true. He never was bad and never was a problem..he was just...perfect.
Pet Potraits

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Chaney Robin
Photo Student Jersey City, NJ