This is the cover for ColorFear 2013
LET THE GAMES BEGIN: In the beginning of the game your character must find their way through these mysterious lands. This is very much like the hunger games except you are killing fears. The game starts out all in black white and until you find your strength you must have the vision of a dog. These woods are dangerous. The lack of color does not help you in the slightest...In order to go to the next level, you must cross the branches and find the only colored object in sight. Be very aware of your surroundings...your worst fears could be behind every corner. The mountains in the distance are your destiny...Are you ready for the adventure? There is a countdown clock in the beginning.....3.......2.........1.........GO!
Snow Awaits: This the end of level one. If you come across this are on the right track. The path is a clue to the next level. However, the hills are steep. if you fall, you have to go from the beginning of the game. If you found the colors wisely you should be fine. The footprints may act as a guide....but......well the footprints are of travelers who did not make it to the top. Are you willing to risk that chance? Tread carefully my friend.
The Fallen (artists choice): The footprints are the hardest to see. If you come upon these, your chances on the snow are very small. If you tread carefully....your prints will not show. Be safe!
Enter: This is a roadblock, meaning you can pick one of the options... the bushes lead you to a forest that is tangled. It is dangerous but it is beneficial. If you make it out alive, the mountains are your future. Between the beams is more color finding. Most players believe this is easy...wrong this is hard. Finding the proper colors may help you...however if you catch the wrong, your fait is the beginning.
Game Art : ColorFear

Depth of Field: The depth of field is the range between the picture. Most of the pictures in this portfolio is in shallow depth of field, meaning that only one object in the pictures is in focus.

Chaney Robin
Photo Student Jersey City, NJ