Bellasera web design - Mock-up for one of Bellevue's largest travel companies, with the identity changed to protect said company from any undue attention this initial design could bring.
Cinema In Focus Website
CoinForce Website Redesign
Conway First Nazarene
Creative Integration landing page - landing page for technology solutions company
Cyberfind Website Mockup
HOYD Surviver Web redesign - Redesign and brand for H.O.Y.D (Hold Onto Your Dreams). It is meant to educate and support those who are overcoming obstacles in their lives.
Life Center member home page
Lightworks homepage design
Live Wire Logik Splash Page - Mockup for splash page for a sms provider looking to bring their site design more current and user friendly.
Plain Jane Cosmetics Webpage - design for organic cosmetics company
WMC homepage design
Craigslist rebrand home page idea
Craigslist rebrand search results idea
Craigslist rebrand post page idea
Web Page Designs
Shanelle Roberts
Design Problem Solver Bellevue, WA