Detroit QUICK Station Map - original size: 4 ft x 3 ft Let me introduce you to an alternate reality where Detroit never let the Big Three dominate the city's public transportation. In fictional Detroit, the subway actually worked to amplify the city's automotive industry, and prevented the economic fallout that occurred in the 20th century. QUICK plays a necessary role by revitalizing the city with people and energy and a sense of unity.
Paradise Jazz Poster 4 - original size: 4 ft x 3 ft Ever been to a party with an unexpected summer storm? The atmosphere feels tingly, strange, wild, loud, and no one knows what's going to happen next. That's like jazz music. In making the posters, I decided to target a different audience, and convey a different kind of “place” to the word “paradise”. With these posters in the Metro area, some white folks might find fun in the “tingly and strange and wild and loud” city.
Gules Text Typeface CD and Booklet - Gules means red. I didn't know that until Google told me, but I suspect my illustrator friend Nick knew from the beginning. There was a lot he didn't tell me, like how hard it is to make a font that felt a bit like a serif, looked a bit like a handdrawn face, and matched his illustrative style. Much of that summer was spent in front of a screen tweaking vectors to perfection.
LA84 Olympics Commemorative Book - Others chose long established corporations to investigate, but I opted for something with a bit more sweat involved. While researching the history of the revolutionary thinking that generated the design of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, I thought it appropriate to build a more substantial "monument" to the ephemeral event, one that would belong on any Southern Californian coffee table or bookshelf.
Cass Corridor Food Co-Op Identity - Organic foods by description alone have the implication to become more precious, tender, and personal. By putting frames around images of them, they become even more special and take on odd personalities of their own. Inspired by photographs found in people's homes, the frames of this identity bring something of the home into the environment of the cooperative. The frames can be arranged in combinations to be used to either select out information or overlay art already found in, on, or around the store.