THQ - These are a few renderings and show photos from the E3 work I did for THQ
THQ - Initial concept for THQ's game Saints Row
THQ - Third generation concept for THQ's game Saints Row
THQ - Final design for THQ's game title Saints Row for E3
THQ E3 - Final renderings for THQ's game title Warhammer for E3. Front view
THQ - Final renderings for THQ's game title Warhammer for E3. Backside view
THQ 2010 - E3 2010 Show photo Space Marine game title
THQ 2010 - E3 2010 show photo Red Faction game title in foreground
THQ 2010 - E3 2010 show photo
THQ 2010 - E3 2010 show photo reception entrance under massive LED screen and Homefront game title to the left
THQ 2010 - E3 2010 show photo UFC game title
THQ 2010 - E3 2010 show photo Kids and Family section
THQ 2010 - E3 2010 show photo Kids and Family section Game Show game title
THQ 2010 - E3 2010 show photo WWE game title
THQ 2010 - E3 2010 show photo Kids and Family section Megamind game title
THQ 2010 - E3 2010 show photo Warhammer game title
THQ 2010 - E3 2010 show photo Warhammer game title
Kris Cerola
Creative Director, Environmental Designer San Diego, CA