4 Page Sales Sheet - (front & back cover)
4 Page Sales Sheet - (inside)
RV Rescue - (poster)
RV Rescue - 14 page Semi-finalist Application Booklet (pg 1-2)
RV Rescue - 14 page Semi-finalist Application Booklet (pg 2-3)
RV Rescue - 14 page Semi-finalist Application Booklet (pg 3-4)
McGrath & Associates Logo - I color: PMS 289
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Filtration System - Vacuum tipple filtration system illustration
MCNW 20th Anniversary Logo - 2 color logo for use on programs, stationary, websites, etc.
MCNW 20th Anniversary Logo - 2 color abbreviated logo that was used on promotional materials such as clothing and mugs.
Carrie Paulen
Production Artist/Graphic Designer Hanover, PA