Presentation and Drawings - The aim of the project was to rebuilt the handle of the panel, from metal to plastic. Create a better and softer prehension, without loosing durability and strength of the past metal handle. Create new uses, thanks to the plastic proprieties. This board shows one of the 3 different concepts we work on. ©taliaplast work made within SOFOP taliaplast -
Models : concept #1 - I made different cardboard models, which help use to feel what the shape bring to the prehension, how could we put the different obligatory informations : the NF logo, the maker registration, and the year of made. The logo of the company was also put on the product. ©taliaplast work made within SOFOP taliaplast -
Models : concept #2 - ©taliaplast work made within SOFOP taliaplast -
CAD : concept #1 - When put on the panel, the aim of the handle is to fix the mobile leg open in the right angle, or closed. ©taliaplast work made within SOFOP taliaplast -
CAD : concept #2 - ©taliaplast work made within SOFOP taliaplast -
CAD : concept #3 - ©taliaplast work made within SOFOP taliaplast -
Final CAD - We stay on the first concept, keeping some shape characteristics of the others. ©taliaplast work made within SOFOP taliaplast -
Final CAD on the panel - ©taliaplast work made within SOFOP taliaplast -
Final produc, view #1 - The origin color was red, symbol of the company, but because of material problems brought by this color (especially with UV rays), we pass the product in gray. We couldn't use the black, which was the competitor's color. ©taliaplast work made within SOFOP taliaplast -
Final produc, view #2 - ©taliaplast work made within SOFOP taliaplast -
Temporary signage handle
Cedric Blanchard
Industrial designer Caen, France